Chakte Viga Turning Stock

Chakte Viga (Coulteria platyloba) grows in the tropical areas of Mexico and Central America. It has a bright orange to golden brown heartwood with a pale white to yellow sapwood.  The grain is usually straight, though sometimes interlocked and it has a fine, even texture with a good natural luster.

Chakte Viga is dense and generally responds well to machining. However, the interlocking grain can cause tear-outs, but it turns, glues, and finishes well.

Please give us a call at 603-798-5135
or email us if you have questions!

2"x 2" x 18"$14.00
3" X 6" X 6"$20.00
3" X 8" X 8"$36.00

*All types of wood dust that are inhaled are hazardous to your health and have the potential to cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Please wear the proper personal protective equipment when working with any type of wood.*

For more information about this species, please visit The Wood Database.

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