
Snakewood (Brosimum guianense) is a beautiful, unique wood and one of the rarest exotic woods in the world. Only a very small portion of the Snakewood log displays the characteristic snake-like figure with the rest having light to no figure at best, and is often more likely to be defective. It can be found along the coast of Northeastern South America.

Snakewood has a deep, dimensional reddish-brown color with snake-like patterning in deeper brown/black. It is an extremely dense, heavy wood with a natural luster. Although it turns well, it tends to be rather brittle and can splinter.

Goosebay carries Snakewood in varying sizes for turning. Our finger boards are 3/8 inch thick with widths varying from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches, and lengths ranging from 22 1/2 to 24 1/2 inches. Although the pieces were cut as fingerboards, they would make a lovely box or add a unique accent to your project.

We only have a very few pieces in stock and are unlikely to see more of these in the near future. Please come in or contact us for more information.


*All types of wood dust that are inhaled are hazardous to your health and have the potential to cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Please wear the proper personal protective equipment when working with any type of wood.*

For more information about this species, please visit The Wood Database.

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